We select the best stocks
Invest in the most promising instruments the U.S. market has to offer:
IPO — private stocks prior to a companys listing
Pre-IPO and ОТС — investments in the over-the-counter market. A unique offering from United Traders: invest in private Silicon Valley companies a year or a few years prior to IPO.
SPAC — invest in funds that make money on pre-IPO investments
Stocks and ETFs — hundreds of the worlds best companies and exchange-traded funds.
Start with one share
You can join the majority of investments buying just one share.
Your orders for pre-IPO and OTC investments are executed with up to fractions — add 1.5 Udemy or 0.3 SpaceX shares!
Build your own portfolio
Our analysts indicate the risk level and potential return for every investment idea.
Our platform supports buy and sell orders. You can also cancel orders.
Options for early and partial exit from investments — for better portfolio rebalancing.
Commissions are indicated for every investment.
Stock price dynamics and investment history are shown in your account.
Start investing with United Traders!
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